Hello World

I like to develop games as programmer and game designer.

Scroll to see some of my projects

About me



I’m 20, I’m from Rio de Janeiro and I speak portuguese and english. I studied programming of digital games in NAVE Rio - Colégio Estadual José Leite Lopes. There, I learned more than how to program, I learned how to work with people and some agile methodologies.

In October 2016, I joined the game studio Box In The Sea as programmer.

In May 2017, seeing the huge difference between men and women in technology, I founded HackGirls with 5 other girls.

In November 2018, I joined the game studio Starfruit as programmer and game designer.

In August 2020, I started developing a game about COVID-19.

Now I'm sutdying technology in digital games at IFRJ.




Where you can find me:

